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Sociedades Participadas

Investee Company

Izenpe, S.A.

Izenpe, S.A. Ziurtapen eta Zerbitzu enpresa

Lantik, S.A. M.P., jointly with the rest of the data processing companies pertaining to the Regional Governments of Araba and Gipuzkoa, CCA, S.A. and IZFE, S.A., respectively, as well as with the company that depends on the Basque Government, EJIE, S.A., formed the company IZENPE, S.A. in 2002, in order to count on a tool that would enable the uniform development of the electronic signature solutions for the Administrations of the Basque Country. Lantik participates with 25% of the joint stock of Izenpe.

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Euskalit - The Basque Foundation for Quality

Euskalit - the Basque Foundation for Quality

Euskalit, the Basque Foundation for Quality, is a private non-profit organisation started in 1992 by the Basque Government, in order to support its policy of promoting Quality with the ultimate aim of contributing to the development, competitiveness and well-being of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country. It groups together both public and private organisations.

In 2002,the Group Q-EPEA, to which Lantik belongs, together with other Regional Departments and Bodies, was created within Euskalit. This group includes public bodies from the Basque Country (the administration and public companies) that are committed to seeking excellence in their management, with the aim of promoting the culture of Quality in the Basque Civil Service, as well as improving their management through shared learning.

Also, various people from Lantik are members of the Euskalit Evaluators’ Club.

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European Software Institute

European Software Institute

Lantik, S.A.M.P is currently the owner of the European Software Institute (ESI) , participating in the executive committee of its Board of Trustees.

The relationship between both organizations is centred on Innovation and Development, guided towards its application, taking into account that one of the key areas of the technological nature of the European Software Institute is the re-utilization of components in the process of designing and creating software.

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